Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ain't Sorry It Broke

I'm not sorry the air conditioner quit. I might be later, if it isn’t fixed before the weather warms up again. But having the windows open is a nice change. The wind is blowing in swooshy waves. I could even close my eyes and pretend it’s the ocean. If I open them and look outside, the cactus infested wilderness out back is shamrock green. And the temperature is cool enough that the humidity isn’t making me insane. I have always hated humidity, being from the desert. But now I’m thinking maybe the humidity might keep my zombie face from looking so much like craggy sandstone.

The TV is off, the house isn’t completely disgusting, and I’m still in my pajamas, revising chapter six of Reconstruction. I actually split chapter 6 and put part of it at the end of chapter 5, thinking maybe if I hide that part there, it won’t scream so loudly to be cleaned up. But that is another blog post altogether.

And of course if I’m revising, I’m also procrastinating, which means I’m writing blogs, reading blogs, scrolling through Twitter finding more blogs to subscribe to, and staring out the window thinking of all of the things I could blog about. Then I check Facebook, and Authonomy and Youwriteon, then back to the blog reader, email, other email, Facebook, Twitter, and around it goes, until I come across opened in a window, and I remember that I was actually stuck on word choice in Chapter 6.

It is a perfectly ordinary and relaxing Sunday afternoon, made extraordinary by open windows and a breeze.

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